Working to Save Bath County’s Historic Treasures

Preservation Bath is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving Bath County’s cultural and architectural heritage. Local preservation efforts promote a more vibrant community, make good business sense and honor our shared history.

Preservation Bath seeks to protect endangered places. Historic places need our attention. Destruction, development and deterioration rob us of places that tell our story. In concert with others, Preservation Bath works to shine a spotlight on special places in our community. The attention being paid to the Gibson Cottage, built in the 1840’s on the grounds of the Warm Springs Hotel, illustrates the advantages of working in collaboration with preservation partners—the Bath County Historical Society, Preservation Virginia and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. Preservation Bath is working with our preservation partners to support the efforts of The Omni Homestead Resort to rehabilitate the Warm Springs Pools. Other properties have been lost to indifference and neglect.

Preservation Bath advocates for the responsible stewardship of historic places. For the first time, in 2015, Preservation Bath has recognized local preservationists, celebrating best practice and community-spirited volunteer efforts. Bath County officials, working with Preservation Bath, added language to the 2015 Comprehensive Plan designed to strengthen preservation efforts. Working with others to influence public opinion and public policy advances preservation efforts.

Preservation Bath works to educate the community. Preservation Bath identifies resources and expertise and shares information about preservation best practices. By making an economic argument for using the Federal Historic Tax Credit program and the Virginia Rehabilitation Tax Credit program, Preservation Bath encourages property owners to undertake preservation work. Rehabilitating qualifying structures makes good business sense for both the property owner and the community. When history is honored and an important place is protected, the fabric of the community is strengthened.